FantomImage - digital art, fantasy art, graphic design
digital art, illustration, fantasy graphic design, artwork
Nice Kitty
sassy evil kitty cat

I did this as a T-shirt design a few years ago. It should be noted that, as a life-long cat lover owned currently by two Maine Coons, I'm well aware that cats are just demons in fur suits.

Date: July 2005
Tools: Photoshop CS
Dimensions: 2534 x 2690 pixels (approx. 8.5" x 9" @ 300 dpi)

Where to Buy
Nice Kitty - T-shirt shirt Nice Kitty - mug mug Nice Kitty - Mousepad mousepad Nice Kitty - button button Nice Kitty - Stickers sticker Nice Kitty - Magnet magnet Nice Kitty - key chain keychain
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